2024 Resolutions

run every single damn day

I am either running daily, or I’m not running nearly enough. It’s time to just run every single damn day regardless of circumstances. The new year has quickly tested me with a first-throat-and-then-coughy cold, but so far so good. Running come hell or high water is going to be good. I can feel it in my bones.

blog more than weekly

For good or for bad, you deserve it, Dear Reader.

write two or three letters a week

For this is what is good in life.

host record-listening monthly

For this is what is good in life.

read paper books before bed

At the close of the day I want to see words on paper.

expand J a t a k i C o m p a n y sales 30%

Recently I gave myself a substantial raise. It was not based on having sales and profit sufficient for the amount. Rather, I needed to create for myself a crisis that would spur me to action. The action has begun!

get five US clients

I want to go to the US at some frequency—maybe four times a year. This will help with that.

karaoke at least quarterly

For this is what is good in life.

quarterly Constitutionals

For this is what is good in life.



